

6673352840 currently does not have a signature.

Recent Activity
6673352840 wrote a post on Slam's Suggestion
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on Adding Senate Commandos instead of another RC Squad
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on Shock Thorn getting his Z-6
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on Addition of the [LFS] LAAT/le
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on Slam's Suggestion
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on Adding Senate Commandos instead of another RC Squad
4 years ago
6673352840 created a thread called Adding Senate Commandos instead of another RC Squad
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on No more special classes
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on Slam's Suggestion
4 years ago
6673352840 wrote a post on Dual DC-17 blasters and Z-6 for Waxer
4 years ago